Anteryon’s wafer optics technology

Manufacturing Micro system technology MEMS/NEMS Optics
Mikroniek 2010-2 by Frans Zuurveen 2 April 2012

Traditionally and physically, glass and spherical shapes are the preferred parameters when designing and manufacturing lenses. But miniaturization, imaging quality improvement and price-reducing mass production demand for aspherics as forms and plastics as materials. Examples of this trend are the optics in modern mobile phones, which are able to take and transmit pictures and video films. Thanks to its unique WaferOptics® process, Anteryon in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, succeeded in producing such optical systems in huge quantities at challenging cost prices.


Professional education program (Microcredentials)

The aim of the DSPE professional education program is to equip professionals with the specialized knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to design and realize innovative (high tech) systems.

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Techcafé met als thema Manufacturability

Dé plek om ongedwongen nieuwe contacten op te doen én onder het genot van een borrel en bitterbal te sparren over tech onderwerpen.

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Marriage of opto-mechatronics and electron…

This year’s DSPE Opto-Mechatronics Symposium attracted some 100 participants from academia and industry, all of whom seized the opportunity for networking, meeting technical peers, and visiting an interesting small-scale exhibition.

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