The Young Precision Network (YPN) promotes Precision Engineering and Metrology under engineers.

Our events, targeting young professionals and students, include visits to companies active in precision technology. These activities help to create a vibrant and enthusiastic group of new professionals in the field.

Visits combine interesting talks, typically of a high level, about recent technological developments, and include a visit to a test-facility or work floor.

Participation is free of charge and open to all engineers working in precision technology, as well as students.

Just graduated? Just graduated?

Just graduated?

Become a DSPE member for half a year free of charge and receive our technical magazine Mikroniek for free.


The YPN boardmembers are: Matthijs van Gastel, Marc Gritter, Maurits van den Hurk and Jorn Veenendaal

To contact the board of YPN, please send an email to YPN@dspe.nl or fill in the form and receive an invitation to YPN events (approx. six per year). You can unregister by e-mail at any time.

Matthijs van Gastel

Marc Gritter
PhD TU/e

Maurits van den Hurk

Don’t hesitate. Start working on your technical knowledge and network with the Young Precision Network now!


DSPE and Mikrocentrum intensify their…

Precision community for the high-tech and manufacturing industries.

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This is the Tech Cafe

New event! DSPE and Mikrocentrum are organizing this event together on April 28. This first edition of this informal meeting starts at 15:30 at its Veldhoven location.

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Demcon Lunch lecture June

Breaking the power density world record. How to irradiate a target with an extremely high power density, while cooling it with liquid metal?

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