NEWS 8 September 2022

A lensless approach to EUV and soft X-ray microscopy

Semiconductor features such as transistors used in computer chips have reached the nanometer scale, yet metrology tools still have to follow the advances in the industry to study this new generation of chips.

Short-wavelength microscopy using extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light or soft X-rays could offer a solution, but it is not compatible with conventional imaging optics. This Mikroniek article presents a lensless microscope built by researchers from Delft University of Technology. It uses coherent EUV light to make an image at the scale of 100 nm. With further refining of this technique, they expect to drastically improve the resolution, possibly down to wavelength scales. (Image courtesy of Sven Weerdenburg, TU Delft).


Professional education program (Microcredentials)

The aim of the DSPE professional education program is to equip professionals with the specialized knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to design and realize innovative (high tech) systems.

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Techcafé met als thema Manufacturability

Dé plek om ongedwongen nieuwe contacten op te doen én onder het genot van een borrel en bitterbal te sparren over tech onderwerpen.

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Marriage of opto-mechatronics and electron…

This year’s DSPE Opto-Mechatronics Symposium attracted some 100 participants from academia and industry, all of whom seized the opportunity for networking, meeting technical peers, and visiting an interesting small-scale exhibition.

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