Merging Electronics and Micro & nano PHotonics

Chemical technology Electronics Manufacturing
Mikroniek 2010-3 by Lis Nanver et al. 2 April 2012

The Memphis project, funded by the Dutch Smart Mix innovation programme, focuses on developing an integration platform for high-frequency electronics with micro- and nano-photonics. The consortium with 23 partners from SMEs, multinationals, universities and institutes brings together the best players in the Netherlands. The limitations of present electronics require a new massive converging technology based on complementary characteristics of “micro- and nano-electronics” and “micro- and nano-photonics”, utilizing the best of both technology worlds. A low-cost combination of the processing power of classical CMOS IC technology, the high-frequency capabilities of modern high-frequency (HF) electronics, and the large bandwidths offered by integrated photonics creates the technology for novel broadband miniaturized electronic-photonic devices. This article focuses on the Production Processes and Equipment subprogramme of the Memphis project.


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