De uitdagingen van EUVL

Control Precision-technology
Mikroniek 4 2007 by Erik Loopstra, Rob Munnig Schmidt 3 October 2008

Vorig jaar zomer verscheepte ASML vanuit Veldhoven de eerste testversies van een nieuwe generatie halfgeleider-productiesystemen op basis van Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography (EUVL). Deze systemen kunnen nog fijnere lijnen (32 nanometer en kleiner) printen en dus veel goedkopere, snellere en kleinere chips vervaardigen. Mikroniek schetst in vogelvlucht de uitdagingen waarvoor de engineers van ASML en partners zich gesteld zien bij de ontwikkeling en het productierijp maken van EUVL-systemen.


Order of frictions and stiffnesses…

For lumped systems consisting of different frictions and stiffnesses, there has been confusion in literature about hysteresis curves and virtual play for many decades.

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Make it clean

In mid-April, the second edition of the Manufacturing Technology Conference and the fifth edition of the Clean Event were held together, for the first time, at the Koningshof in Veldhoven (NL).

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Bringing particles to light

Particle contamination monitoring and cleanliness control are fundamental to micromanufacturing processes across diverse industries to achieve cost-effective production of high-quality and reliable microscale devices and components.

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