De mechanische en chemische aspecten van glasverbindingen

Chemical technology Materials Mechanics
Mikroniek 20-1980, The Glass Industry 1978 by M.P. Borom 27 April 2006

Dit artikel verschaft inzicht in de fysische parameters die aanleiding geven tot spanningen in glasverbindingen. Het behandelt de mechanische aspectenvan glaslassen. Het volgende deel gaat in op de chemische aspecten.


Jan-Pieter Rijstenbil (TU Eindhoven) receives…

Prize for careful process analysis and early validation. During the 23rd edition of the Precision Fair in Den Bosch (NL), the Wim van der Hoek Award was presented under the auspices of DSPE (Dutch Society for Precision Engineering).

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Bert Brals (Sioux Technologies) receives…

Creative inventor, collaborating foreman and true teacher. During the 23rd edition of the Precision Fair, the Rien Koster Award was presented for the tenth time under the auspices of DSPE (Dutch Society for Precision Engineering).

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Wim van der Hoek Award…

This year, the jury has received four nominations for students who applied existing or new design principles in their graduation work in an exciting manner.

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