Acknowledgement/ Educational Board/ Industry

DSPE is  a society of professionals covering a broad perspective of precision specialists, precision technology companies and institutes. Covering the majority of specialists, companies and institutes in precision technology, the DSPE is (as no other party) capable of determining the societal relevance of a course  and the quality of the content, the professionalism of the lecturers and the assessment methods. The Educational Board monitors the course qualification process.

Educational Board

Prof Just Herder
Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Delft University of Technology

Prof Hans Krikhaar
Lector (professor) Smart Manufacturing – Integrated Systems Engineering at Fontys University of Applied Sciences

Ir. Sven Pekelder
CTO / co-owner; Business & Project Manager at Settels Savenije Group of Companies

Ir. Bart Dirkx

Chief Operations Officer at Fastmicro

Prof Erik Puik

Professor SMART Manufacturing at Fontys University of Applied Sciences