NEWS 28 February 2023

ROS2 motion controllers for mobile robot navigation

There is an increasing need for deploying Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) in the care sector, the public domain (hospitality and surveillance) and the industry (inspection, maintenance, logistics and agriculture).

One of the challenges when developing mobile robot navigation technology is selecting the right, application-specific motion controller. The different motion controllers available in the ROS2 robot operating system framework have been tested on two robots with a different footprint performing various tasks, as described in this Mikroniek article. The results have been translated into a concise selection guideline. (Image courtesy of Nobleo).


Professional education program (Microcredentials)

The aim of the DSPE professional education program is to equip professionals with the specialized knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to design and realize innovative (high tech) systems.

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Techcafé met als thema Manufacturability

Dé plek om ongedwongen nieuwe contacten op te doen én onder het genot van een borrel en bitterbal te sparren over tech onderwerpen.

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Marriage of opto-mechatronics and electron…

This year’s DSPE Opto-Mechatronics Symposium attracted some 100 participants from academia and industry, all of whom seized the opportunity for networking, meeting technical peers, and visiting an interesting small-scale exhibition.

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