NEWS 1 November 2022

Reducing sample stage drift velocity

High-contrast imaging in transmission electron microscopes requires that thermal drift of the sample stage is minimised.

For this, the use of a Kalman filter strategy within the control structure of the stage has been investigated. A Kalman filter requires a thermal model of the stage construction, various inputs, and temperature measurements. In conjunction with a deformation model, this technique can compensate for drift. The compensation control strategy presented in this Mikroniek article has been validated using simulations based on multiple measurements. (Image courtesy of Marjolein Daanen, Thermo Fisher Scientific)


DSPE appoints Martin van den…

Upon his retirement from ASML, Martin van den Brink was appointed honorary member of DSPE.

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High-velocity innovation

Making crucial design decisions early in the concept phase of a project, may lead to severe cost and time overruns when these decisions are based on assumptions and/or incomplete knowledge.

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Hybrid variable-reluctance actuator technology on-sky

Astronomers use deformable mirrors to improve the image of a telescope by correcting for the optical distortions caused by atmospheric turbulence.

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