NEWS 4 July 2022

Lunch Lecture September 5 hosted by TU/e

Position-Dependent Snap Feedforward: A Gaussian Process Framework

The low-frequency contribution of the flexible dynamics, i.e. the compliance, should be compensated for by means of snap feedforward to achieve high accuracy. Position-dependent compliance, which often occurs in motion systems, requires the snap feedforward parameter to be modeled as a function of position. Position-dependent compliance is compensated for by using a Gaussian process to model the snap feedforward parameter as a continuous function of position. A simulation of a flexible beam shows significant performance increase when using the Gaussian process snap feedforward parameter to compensate for position-dependent compliance.

The speaker will be: Maurice Poot, PhD Candidate at Eindhoven University of Technology

We will start at 12:02pm on September 5 2022

Please send an email to if you are interested in this Lunch lecture.


Microcredentials: macro-effect for professionals

This month, the first microcredentials have been awarded to the participants who successfully took part 1 of the course ‘Mechatronics System Design’ by Mechatronics Academy in cooperation with their partner High Tech Institute.

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Gas Bearing workshop 2025

For 10 years the Gas Bearing Workshop has been the most specific forum for the gas bearing community in the western world.

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New date: YPN company visit…

Our first company visit of the year will be to Settels Savenije, located in Eindhoven. The original visit last December has been rescheduled to March so make sure to grab this opportunity if you were unable to time!

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