NEWS 22 October 2021

Extending ADAT2 equipment lifetime

ITEC’s ADAT2 (Automatic Die ATtach) systems, developed in the 1990s, are still operational in various production sites. An upgrade enabling them to handle 200-mm wafers would extend their economic lifetime...

ITEC’s ADAT2 (Automatic Die ATtach) systems, developed in the 1990s, are still operational in various production sites. An upgrade enabling them to handle 200-mm wafers would extend their economic lifetime even further. To this end, the design of an intermediate rotary stage was investigated, as described in this Mikroniek article. (Image courtesy of ITEC, TU/e)


Call for abstracts! DSPE Conference…

The call for abstracts is open until 15 February 2025.

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Lunch lecture November hosted by…

The title of this lunch lecture is: Potential of fault diagnosis and predictive maintenance for precision mechatronics

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QUADRA: metrology for the ongoing…

The semiconductor roadmap is currently fuelled by innovations along three trends

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