NEWS 12 October 2021

DSPE Knowledge day November 23 2021 Engineering for Contamination Control

On 23 November DSPE will organize the Knowledge day Engineering for Contamination Control. This DSPE event is organized in collaboration with VCCN (Association of Contamination Control Netherlands), VDL ETG, Settels...

On 23 November DSPE will organize the Knowledge day Engineering for Contamination Control. This DSPE event is organized in collaboration with VCCN (Association of Contamination Control Netherlands), VDL ETG, Settels Savenije Group of Companies, OMNEO Systems, Lans Engineering, Fast Micro, and TNO.

The DSPE Knowledge Day on Engineering for Contamination Control is devoted to design aspects aimed at dealing with contamination or minimizing the implications of contaminations. In addition, information will be shared regarding tools that support the design (and test) phase of a project.

The event is highly relevant for precision engineers involved in designing advanced mechtronics systems.


Mikrocentrum, De Run 1115, 5503 LB Veldhoven


13:00Doors open
13:30 – 13:45Welcome by DSPE + introduction DSPE + introduction VCCN
13:45 – 14:20Cees van Duijn (OMNEO Systems)
14:20 – 14:55Paul Blom (VDL ETG)
14:55 – 15:20Break
15:20 – 15:55Rob Lansbergen (Lans Engineering) and Erik Vermeulen (Fast Micro)
15:55 – 16:30Sven Pekelder and Jasper Smit (Settels Savenij Group of Companies)
16:30 – 16:45Freek Molkenboer (TNO)
16:45 – 17:00Wrap up

You can register for this knowledge day by sending an email to


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