NEWS 23 February 2022

A level sensor for the semiconductor industry

In a proof-of-concept study, Hittech Multin successfully designed and built a cost-efficient level sensor, specifically aimed at semiconductor applications, using mostly off-the-shelf parts and a self-developed processing algorithm.

The target measurement stability was 50 nm. Experiments on a 300-mm wafer showed a short-term instability between 6.4 nm and 10E2 nm, at the centre and the edge of the measurement range, respectively. Read all about it in this Mikroniek article. The next research stage will focus on bringing stability performance within specification throughout the entire range. Finally, the sensor’s ability to also measure wafer tilt (Rx and Ry), for counteracting tilt-dependent wafer height measurement errors, will be investigated. (Image courtesy of Hittech Multin)


Call for abstracts! DSPE Conference…

The call for abstracts is open until 15 February 2025.

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Lunch lecture November hosted by…

The title of this lunch lecture is: Potential of fault diagnosis and predictive maintenance for precision mechatronics

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QUADRA: metrology for the ongoing…

The semiconductor roadmap is currently fuelled by innovations along three trends

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